Popular comedian, Kwadjo Buabeng also known as Bob Okala says he is saddened by the passing of his friend, Yaw Donkor popularly known as Nkomod3. Nkommod3 was battling several medical conditions including kidney and liver problems before his death. Nkomod3 defeated Bob Okala in 1996, to win the comedy title for the first time. He subsequently went on to beat Agyakoo and picking up a few other awards before
leaving Ghana for the UK.
The late Nkomod3 Bob Okala says Nkomode will be remembered for his quality in local comedy. “We started comedy together, Agya Koo and the rest came later, even Nkomod3 came after I had won about three awards and helped the industry. “His death really hurts me because of his quality. The rest are not good enough and are not performing well for my liking. “What I can remember him for is that he came to challenge me. May
his soul rest in peace,” he added.
Nkomod3's burial and funeral arangement is yet to be made public.
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