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Monday 1 February 2016

Government dissolves Ghana Gas board

Ghana Gas Company has announced the retire­ment of its board, effec­tive February 4, 2016. The decision was arrived at by a resolution taken at a meeting held on January 13, 2016 to retire all non-executive directors of the company. The non-executive directors of the company are Dr Kwesi Botchwey, Dr Valerie Esther Sawyerr, Eric Nathaniel Yankah and William Patrick Tewiah. The board also accepted the re­tirement of
the company secre­tary, Agbesi Kwadzo Dzakpasu, effective the same date. According to a statement is­sued by the company, the board, on assumption of office in July 2011, commenced operations by successfully establishing the ad­ministrative and operational structures of the company from scratch, and superintended over the recruitment of key staff. Following the board’s review of the Gas Task Force Report and the then options for the develop­ment of gas infrastructure, the board decisively chose a configuration of having an onshore gas process­ing facility to process raw natural gas and produce various prod­ucts, including lean gas for power produc­tion, liquefied petro­leum gas and other natural gas liquids for domestic and indus­trial use. The board imple­mented the Western Gas Infrastructure Project and success­fully brought the Gas Processing Plant, as­sociated pipelines and auxiliary equipment into operation in No­vember 2014, despite a number of incipient challenges that the company faced during the development phase of the project. “Today, the com­pany is well-grounded and has successfully completed its first full year of commercial operations, has suit­ably trained staff to man its facilities and operations and is poised to maintain its leadership in the downstream gas marked in Ghana”. The board ex­pressed its profound gratitude to the Gov­ernment of Ghana, es­pecially President John Mahama, and other stakeholders for their support during their tenure in office.

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